View Full Version : Nintendo DS Lite or DSi

11-06-2009, 12:29 PM
Time for another one of these discussions! As the deals are coming out, I have to figure out what to do about this. Here's our situation:

Jillian and Cassie are NOT major gamers. They dabble. We bought a PS2 and they never played it. We won a Wii and they play about twice a week. Two years ago we bought them used, outdated Gameboys. They play them maybe once a month or so and don't complain about them. They play pretty basic games--Jillian more than Cassie.

Jillian has asked for a DS for Christmas. Mainly because other kids have them and she wants the cupcake game. If I'm going to get a new system for one, I should get them for both so that they can exchange games and accessories.

I don't really like the thought of paying for 2 DSi's when they don't play them TOO much. But will the DS Lite be so outdated by next Christmas that I will be kicking myself for not spending the extra $50 a kid? The money isn't flowing too freely this Christmas, so this would be their main gift along with a couple of games each.

Maybe get each a DS Lite and if they really like them and use them a lot? Get the DSi next year when the prices comes down a bit more? And they'll be able to use all of their DS Lite games for it still?

11-06-2009, 02:30 PM
Time for another one of these discussions! As the deals are coming out, I have to figure out what to do about this. Here's our situation:

Jillian and Cassie are NOT major gamers. They dabble. We bought a PS2 and they never played it. We won a Wii and they play about twice a week. Two years ago we bought them used, outdated Gameboys. They play them maybe once a month or so and don't complain about them. They play pretty basic games--Jillian more than Cassie.

Jillian has asked for a DS for Christmas. Mainly because other kids have them and she wants the cupcake game. If I'm going to get a new system for one, I should get them for both so that they can exchange games and accessories.

I don't really like the thought of paying for 2 DSi's when they don't play them TOO much. But will the DS Lite be so outdated by next Christmas that I will be kicking myself for not spending the extra $50 a kid? The money isn't flowing too freely this Christmas, so this would be their main gift along with a couple of games each.

Maybe get each a DS Lite and if they really like them and use them a lot? Get the DSi next year when the prices comes down a bit more? And they'll be able to use all of their DS Lite games for it still?

i think this is a great idea. my mom gave DD a used gameboy advance for her birthday a couple of years ago, and she LOVED it, so DH and i got her a DS for Christmas last year. she plays it more than i ever thought she would. it was her main distraction on our road trip to wdw and she takes it on the bus to and from gifted class each friday. i hope a great deal comes out for you soon! :sunshine2:

11-06-2009, 04:40 PM
I am in the same boat...except i only have to buy 1. my DD plays webkinz and Karoke on Wii. :rotfl: Yet she wants a DS because everyone else has one. :rolleyes: Normally i wouldn't succumb to the pressure, but Dh thinks she'd really use one...plus if she doesn't, he will. :rotfl: But i can't think she'll need the camera or wifi access on the DSi. We're just going with teh DS lite for now.

11-06-2009, 09:39 PM
That's a tough one my DD7 doesn't play with her's nearly as much as DD6 does and of course DS10 has that, PSP, PS2 and plays them all! lol Actually he hasn't played his DS since getting his PSP with his bday money but he's had the DS for 4 yrs.

So it really depends on the child. DD6 (bday was Monday) got her DS exactly 2 yrs ago for beleive it or not her 4th birthday bc I knew she would play it. DD7 got her's after Christmas that year (almost 2 yrs now) with her own money. AGain DD7 will bring it in the car for 2 hr road trips every weekend but where DD10 and DD6 play the full 2 hrs she plays 30 mins and would rather listen to her MP3 player.

If I had to do it, I would probably go with the DSi for the reason's you mentioned, and some of the games are really a lot of fun and from my 10 yr old better on the DS then any other platform, so you may be surprised and they may play it more then you think.

The only way I would get the regular DS is if it was a deal BF that I just couldn't pass up. I saw on the BF website someone (Kmart maybe?) I think has a bundle on BF morning. I would check it out.

11-07-2009, 03:02 AM
I saw an interesting article over on the DIS. it mainly said that the DSi is not a newer version of the DS. It is just the same version with added features. They said that a newer version of the DS will come out in a few years which will make both the DS and the DSi obsolete.

We decided to get the DS lite because my daughter has a camera already. Besides they say the camera on the DSi is pretty weak. Also she has a computer so there really is no need for her to have internet on her DS where I cannot monitor it. I can at least monitor the computer.

Also I like that I can play gameboy games on the DS. Those are found fairly cheap and I like that option.

I found our DS at Target a few months back when they had it for 99.00 and then target had a $10.00 off offer. So for $89.00. We bought one for each kid.

But those who have upgraded seem to really love the DSi.

11-07-2009, 10:55 AM
We're debating the same thing for our kids. My older two have gameboys, but my son's is barely holding a charge at this point (it was VERY well used!). The biggest problem is that games are hard to find since they stopped making them.

So, all three of my kids want a DS for Christmas. My older two have cameras already and I really don't think they should have internet on it ( I didn't realize this was part of it - Thanks wilsonfamily4 for the info!). So, it looks like we'll do the regular DS.

Can they really use their gameboy advance games on the DS? That would be awesome!

So, if anyone comes across a good deal on the DS, please let us all know! It looks like I'll need 3 of them!:eek:

11-07-2009, 12:48 PM
So, all three of my kids want a DS for Christmas. My older two have cameras already and I really don't think they should have internet on it ( I didn't realize this was part of it - Thanks wilsonfamily4 for the info!). So, it looks like we'll do the regular DS.

I should say in the DSi defense there are some filters you can put on the DSi. I was reading that it does filter a lot out BUT some parents were able to find it did not filter everything. They said it didn't take very long at all before they found bad sites.

I am still at the very cautious stage as my kids are 5 and 7.

11-07-2009, 12:53 PM
We've decided for sure on the DS as well now. Just waiting to see what the sales look like this month. Nothing is really jumping out at me as being great. Not even anything good at ebay or dyscern or places I would normally expect. You can bet I will be watching for coupons to come through!!!

11-07-2009, 01:09 PM
I should say in the DSi defense there are some filters you can put on the DSi. I was reading that it does filter a lot out BUT some parents were able to find it did not filter everything. They said it didn't take very long at all before they found bad sites.

I am still at the very cautious stage as my kids are 5 and 7.

I agree abotu being cautious I'm still that way with DS10, to add to that though you have to set up the wifi capability to allow it access to the internet. I had to do that with DS's PSP and he couldn't have done it without the codes/our knowledge, so I still had control on whether he accessed the internet.

I do agree for the child/age that having internet access or a camera isnt' worth the extra. I also didn't realize the DSi doesn't play GBA games like the DS does.

We've decided for sure on the DS as well now. Just waiting to see what the sales look like this month. Nothing is really jumping out at me as being great. Not even anything good at ebay or dyscern or places I would normally expect. You can bet I will be watching for coupons to come through!!!

I just looked it up again the BF sale ad for Kmart on the last/back page has the DS 129.99 with a $25 nintendo credit (they did this last year, basically a free game). The offer/bundle on the front is for the DSi.

11-07-2009, 01:37 PM
Kmart is having a big one day only sale tomorrow where we are going to be giving increased cash back (on top of the increase we are already given). I wonder if they might do something for that?

11-08-2009, 01:06 AM
My daughter (8) is not much of a gamer and she does play her DS. She likes that she can play on long car rides or when she is waiting somewhere. We went with the DS and not the DSi because I was concerned about the whole internet and her age. I am very cautious when she uses my computer to play on the internet. We also decided that she already had a camera and probably wouldn't use the one on the DSi.