Quote Originally Posted by SunshineGirl View Post
It's par for the course. I am so disgusted right now with merchants not paying us what we deserve for our transactions that if I didn't need the money, I would seriously consider shutting down SR. I'm SOOOOO frustrated that they are stiffing us on all of this stuff!!!
Oh my goodness, now I feel awful for even asking! SR is wonderful and I love sitting at my computer looking through the forum and making some extra $. I just booked my family's trip next Thanksgiving and I love seeing the money that I can put towards it.

I think it's the stress of the season. I am normally a very nice person but I got in an arguement at our Christmas Parade and told some woman to put some common sense on her wish list and then yesterday yelled at the deli clerk at Wal-Mart. If you're worried about that Boca Java stuff - that's just crazy, but everyone knows you aren't to blame. Customer service just isn't what it use to be. Whatever happened to "Hi, can I help you?"

Anyways, all of our jobs have ups and downs. I left my HR Mgr job to be a school bus driver. I joke that I have my BBA for my BUS. There are days when I wonder what I was thinking, but the benefits of being with my kids outweighs those little xxxx - oops I mean students. Usually they're great - we all just have our days.

I'm not a mushy gushy person on this site, but you do an amazing job and this is a wonderful site! Now I'll try and throw in a few and some . Honestly, you are great and SR reflects that. You should be very proud of yourself!