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Thread: Beautiful Day Contest

  1. #31
    Join Date
    May 2007


    The person I immediate thought of is my Mom's best friend Mary. Mary always is doing things for others. People assume she is wealthy because she loves to give gifts. She has chosen to always be intentionally generous because you can't take it with you. She and her husband have blessed us so many times I can't even count. She is truly beautiful inside and out!!
    Amy Ticker

    Sunshine Rewards

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    My 15 year old daughter shows beauty on the inside and the outside. She loves horses and is hoping to become an equine veterinarian. I known alot of girls "love" horses but this goes beyond the love of riding, thinking horses are beautiful, and wanting to own one. She has volunteered more than 300 hours to a local horse rescue. These are horses with stories that will break your heart. Horses who were kept in chicken pens, had battery acid thrown on them, starved, neglected, and abused. She has been an integral part of helping to teach these noble animals to trust humans again. She has been bit, kicked, and stepped on more times than I want to recall but she continues to go back and support them with her time and her money. Because of the history these horses are not always ridable, so there is no opportunity for her to ride. That is what I call loving horses- mucking stalls, feeding, picking hooves, worming, sitting beside them when they are sick, scared or foaling. She even helped geld her favorite stallion with tears running down her cheeks.

    In addition to her volunteer work she also participates in school plays and manages a straight "A" average in excelerated and AP classes.

    I am in awe of her inner beauty.
    Sunshine Rewards

  3. #33
    Join Date
    May 2007


    My daughter is beautiful inside and out. She is so very kind and sweet. She always thinks of others and is a very big help. She is my common sense, sharp wit, always smiling sweetheart.
    Sunshine Rewards

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Orlando, FL


    My best friend has so much inner beauty. Despite the fact that life is throwing her many curveballs right now, she is holding it together and doing everything she can to better herself, even in the face of incredible adversity. I admire her strength and dignity so much. It's inspirational.
    Sunshine Rewards

  5. #35
    Join Date
    May 2007


    My 5 year old son Jesse is truly beautiful inside. He was battled severe eczema, allergies and asthma since 4 months old. Through all of the hospital stays, horrendous pain and being house bound most of the time he still has kept his wonderful smile and sense of humor. That little boy has been through so much in his life that he is truly my inspiration.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    May 2007
    NW Ohio


    The person I think is beautiful on the inside (and outside) is my friend Deb. 12 years ago I went through a very trying time in my life. She was so kind to me and would call and check on me. She would bring me food and have me over to her house. I started relying on her for support, and she was ALWAYS there. She got me involved in things that kept my mind off of life so I wouldn't go crazy. If it wasn't for her, I honestly wouldn't be the person I am today nor could I have gotten through that horrible time of my life....

    Come read my blog! - Angela's Events
    Sunshine Rewards

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    I just finished reading through all of the entries. Such beautiful stories!! It's hard not to cry when you read about so many people who have touched others. It definitely restores your faith that there are good people everywhere.

    Interesting thing happened when I went to the random number generator. I've never had this happen before! I had it generate two numbers just in case the first number pulled happened to be an off-topic post or someone who was not qualified to participate (mom--LOL!). The random number generator pulled the SAME number both times!! Clearly the winner must be very deserving of this prize!

    And the randomly drawn winner is....


    Please IM SunshineCindy with your SR userid or email address so that she can look you up and send you your $50 Sephora Gift Certificate prize.

    Thanks to everyone who entered. YOU are all beautiful on the inside for recognizing the beauty of others.
    Sunshine Rewards Owner

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  8. #38
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Congrats firstfamilytrip, nice story. Your mom sounds great. I wouldn't hold my tongue.....but then again, thats probably why I was nominated for my "inner beauty"

    For those who may have missed her post, here it is:

    The most beautiful person in my life is my mom. My dad's family has been hard on her since the start. My dad stands up for her, but 30 years of back stabbing and snide comments would be hard to take. Yet I have never heard my mom say one bad thing about them. They have done so much to her I couldn't even begin to tell you. Imagine my shock when at 10 years old my cousin told me how much her parents hated my mom. My mom had never said one word bad about them so I found it unreal. I thought they were best friends. After that I started listening better and picking up on the hateful stuff from my dad's family. It's now 20 years later and she lives by,"if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." She has the best heart and I wish I could be as forgiving as she is.

    She is now taking care of my uncle who is bed ridden from diabetes complications and my grandpa who smoked for too long in his life. My sister has had three complicated pregnancies and two premature babies and my mom is the first one there to help them out. She is always putting others first.

    Sometimes it makes me mad to see that people take advantage of my mom, but she doesn't see it that way. She lives this life to get into the next and I think that is a beautiful thing to do. She is truly beautiful.
    If you think you know all the answers, it just means you haven't been asked all the questions.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    NE Ohio


    Congratulations firstfamilytrip!!!!!! Have fun shopping at Sephora!!

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default Thank you

    Thank you Sunshine Rewards. I never win anything. I told my husband and he thinks I have taken up our good luck and now we don't have a chance of winning the big Powerball jackpot

    On a side note, I am new to this site. I joined about a week ago with a referral from the DIS. What a way to make me a true believer I've also earned enough to make a dent in a Christmas giftcard. Every little bit helps and it makes me feel good to be able to contribute to somethings we need since I am a stay at home mom.

    Thanks again for the contest and the giftcard and the site in general.


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