When when someone says who is a beautiful person inside and out, I have to think of my dearest soul sister and friend, Connie.

Connie has been my pillar in life, though I have only known her for 10 short years. She has been there for every event in my life. When my beloved grandmother passed away, she become my family's second wife and mother, taking over all of my responsibilites at home. She stayed in our home, cooked, cleaned, did the car pooling for the children's activities, seen that everything ran smoothly. She even called my boss and filled in for me at work, doing the job better than I could have. She held my hand while I grieved, called me to brighten my day and if I sounded sad, depressed, whatever, she drove to my home and got me away for the day...even when I didn't think I needed it. Which she was right, I did and felt better afterwards.

Four short months later, she again stepped into my shoes at home and stood beside me when my grandfather passed away. Her gentle kindness gave me the strength to again face the task of his funeral arrangements, the funeral, and dealing with cleaning out my grandparent's home.

Again she displayed those same talents within that same year with the death of my 2 brother-in-laws, a cousin-who was like a sister to me, and two miscarriages. Without her, I don't know how I would have ever kept my sanity that year.

Whenever I am blue...she just happens to call. Whenever I am excited about something in my life, she is the first person I call. She has spoiled me with the truest meaning of friendship.

When my husband had a heart attack, she was there and literally kept me out of jail and calmed me down. (LOOOOONG STORY). She has never condemned me for my decisions in life, encouraged me to follow my dreams, stood beside me in bad times and laughed with me in good times.

Tho, she moved away 4 years ago, we still talk weekly, meet monthly for a shopping trip, and think of each other every day. And as our paths have moved to different areas within our lives, I know all it would take is a phone call and she would be here before I could hang up the phone, holding my hand with any challenge I have to face.

And you know what makes her the most special??? She has lived a life filled with abuse, molestation, alcoholism and drug addiction(sober/clean for 12 years-YOU GO GIRL), living with crippling arthritis, two divorces and the death of a child yet she is the most perkiest, happiest, loving, upbeat person I know. Tho it would be easier to slide down the path of dispair, she lives each day to the fullest, thankful for each moment in life she has. That has taught me alot, watching her in her life.

Gotta go, I need to make a phone call to tell someone thanks for being my friend!