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Thread: MNSSHP ~ Dining

  1. #1
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    Default MNSSHP ~ Dining

    What does everyone do?

  2. #2
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    We don't like to waste any of our MNSSHP time so we either eat at Pecos Bills or just grab stuff from Casey's and eat while we watch the parade. You can actually see the parade from the little patio off of Pecos Bills as well, and there is hardly ever anyone out there.

    We've made ressies at Liberty Tree Tavern in the past but ate at about 4:00 so that we could be done by the time the party started. We like to "party" from 5 until they kick us out, so we all take naps from about 2-4 before we head over.

    If you wait too late to eat, you will find that some places are closed. So we do usually eat by about 7:30 or 8.
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  3. #3
    bbangel's Avatar
    bbangel is offline Those of us on the fun coast can party some more!

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    I've done several things. Once I met a group of people at the Liberty Tree Tavern (back when the characters dressed up) and we finished up right as the party was starting. I've also done a meal at O'hana, again finishing up about 6:30 and heading into the start of the party. I've also done the quick counter service earlier in the park and had a snack in my bag for later. Lots of options depending on your own preferences. Like Tricia, I don't like to waste official party time eating!
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  4. #4
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    We, like others, don't want to spend limited party time in a sit down restaurant so we do counter service at Columbia Harbour House or Cosmic Rays.

    We haven't been to MNSSHP but have been to the Christmas Party and, even though it starts at 7, you're allowed to enter at 4, so doublecheck and get your extra time/money's worth if you're not already going to be at that park.

    I'm hoping to get there this fall - It looks like so much fun...with or without kids!
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  5. #5
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    our family is just like tricia's-we don't like to waste MNSSHP time, so we usually eat at pecos bill's. we did do liberty tree tavern once, back when the characters were dressed up, but we got an early reservation (4:30pm, i believe) so we wouldn't miss anything. liberty tree and crystal palace both have good food, but the party is so great, we like to squeeze every minute out of it.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimkatmom View Post
    What does everyone do?
    Funny you should ask this -- DH and I were just talking about what to do this year. I think we'll plan to eat at Pecos Bills this time or maybe even just grab "walking around food" at Casey's.

    Last year at MNSSHP my friends and I ate at Pecos Bills and enjoyed that. When my family did the Pirate & Princess Party in 2008 we had a 4:30ish dinner reservation in the castle. That was very magical since we entered as people were leaving for the day, and when we were done with dinner the park had transformed into the party. We still got everything accomplished that we wanted to so I'd say either way would work -- just plan according to your budget.

  7. #7
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    My schedule says.... "DON'T WASTE PARTY TIME EATING!" We are planning a large, late lunch around 2:30. We will snack at the party. Can you say SoyJoys and Dole Whip Floats?

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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by fanofree View Post
    My schedule says.... "DON'T WASTE PARTY TIME EATING!" We are planning a large, late lunch around 2:30. We will snack at the party. Can you say SoyJoys and Dole Whip Floats?
    sounds like a plan to me!

  9. #9
    m 'n c's Avatar
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    We ate at Liberty Tree last time and had a good time with the characters in costume. The time before we did Cosmic Rays and it was so crowded.
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  10. #10
    chipndale's Avatar
    chipndale is offline All this talk makes me want a ginormous glass of bubbly!
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    Quote Originally Posted by fourfoxesinpa View Post
    We, like others, don't want to spend limited party time in a sit down restaurant so we do counter service at Columbia Harbour House or Cosmic Rays.

    We haven't been to MNSSHP but have been to the Christmas Party and, even though it starts at 7, you're allowed to enter at 4, so doublecheck and get your extra time/money's worth if you're not already going to be at that park.

    I'm hoping to get there this fall - It looks like so much fun...with or without kids!
    I agree ... we have never done MNSSHP but we have done the Christmas Party for the past 4 years and my gang wants to be in there around 4:15 and they don't want to waste party for a sit down meal. My gang agrees that we can do a sit down meal another day and just grab food from Cosmic Rays. As others have said - watch that you don;t wait too long as some places do close.
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