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Thread: Mac users & DS answer

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Franklin, Wisconsin

    Default Mac users & DS answer

    I went to visit my DS this weekend and took my computer along. It took him about 5 minutes to figure out what probably is the Mac problem with daily surveys and I think he is absolutely right. Bear with me as I try to explain.

    Those using a Mac (or any computer) with Intel processors are able to do surveys, those that are using a computer with a Power PC processor, which is what they were before Intel are NOT able to do surveys. Intel processors started with the 2005 Macs. My Mac is 3 years old and has the PC processor. DS had 3 Mac laptops at his house, all newer then mine with Intel processors. I tried all 3 and could get right into the surveys.

    The Macs that have Intel processors are:
    Macbook, Macbook Pro, Intel imac, Mac Pro and Intel Mac Mini

    The Macs that have PC processors are:
    Power Mac G4, Power Mac G5, imac G4, imac G5, ibook (which is what I have), Powerbook, Power PC and Mac Mini

    So, GF must have changed something that no longer allows anyone with a computer that has PC processors to not be able to access daily surveys, which of course also means that you can't do a super member survey either.

    So, there you have it. I really am confident that we have the answer. I am hoping that maybe Tricia can talk to SR's greenfield rep and see if there's anything that can be done.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Tacoma WA


    Yay for DS! That certainly matches my experience, as I have an intel based.

    Sunshine Rewards

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    That's not it for me. I have an Intel (a very new Intel, at that) and they still don't work for me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007


    I have an Intel processor too - still no surveys for me...
    Sunshine Rewards


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