
One of our advertisers, Netwinner, has made some significant changes to their business model today. Approximately 9% of our Sunshine Rewards members are also Netwinner players. Therefore, we feel the need to address the issues.

In the past, we have defended some of the changes at Netwinner and spoken out against others. At this time, we have conveyed to Netwinner that we completely disagree with their decision to retroactively take away people's cashouts. If for business reasons they need to make the change going forward, we have no problem with that. However, we ARE against the retroactive changes.

Of the Sunshine Rewards Netwinner players, around 1% have made enough to cash out at the prior $25 minimum. Some of those have chosen to cash out and some of them have turned in their points for prize entries. Also approximately 3% of Sunshine Rewards members play the free games in our arcade just for the fun of it.

Going forward, we will not actively push our members to play on Netwinner. If you choose to play on Netwinner because you like the games or enjoy the opportunity to win prizes, we will use the money that we make in Netwinner advertising revenue to sponsor more forum contests, like the one where we awarded a $30 gift certificate last week.

For the members who cashed out and got their points put back into their account, we will continue to actively lobby Netwinner to restore some type of gift card cashout options.

Unfortunately, the entire rewards business is full of ups and downs and it is difficult to know when to trust advertisers and when to turn tail and run. Most of the time we have to make those decisions behind the scenes, but this one is playing out very publicly. We're going to continue to get as much information from them as we can and be 100% honest with our own members about what we find out. We reserve the right to pull their links from our site at any time. We hope that you can respect that decision and know that if it were in our power alone, no one would be losing anything.
