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Thread: I just gotta ask about Disboards...

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    Default I just gotta ask about Disboards...

    OK, so lots of newbies over here say they found out about SR at disboards. I can't figure out how when disboards doesn't let you have a link or promote other websites. How can I work on my referrals over there and not break any rules?
    Sunshine Rewards

  2. #2
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    Well, you can PROMOTE SR on the DISboards. But, sadly, you cannot get referrals from there. You can post the main website, but not your referral link. I'm assuming quite a few that are coming from the DIS are not using any type of referral link- just going straight to the SR website. I really don't think there is anyway around this with the DIS.

    Although you can't get referrals from there, it obviously DOES help SR when we post on the DIS about special promotions or just SR in general. I continue to post things over there to help SR...which in turn helps us all!
    Sunshine Rewards

  3. #3
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    I think a lot of people found out about us on the DISboards from general chatter about us with our straight link--not any kind of referral link.

    My best suggestion (because I don't want us spamming the DIS and having them get mad at us) is just to talk about SR when you see an opportunity that fits. Maybe a post on the budget board about something that you bought through us. Or mentioning in your TR how many gift cards you used on your trip from us. If you talk about us naturally in your regular posts, people will PM you for more information. And if they ask for more information and your link, you are allowed to give it to them like that.

    It's a fine line because I want you all to be able to get credit for referring people who you get interested. But I also don't want it to look like we are trying to overrun the DIS with referral links.
    Sunshine Rewards Owner

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    jnorth1007's Avatar
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    I think that some of the ones from there are coming from people PMing the people who posted about SR and asking for info and then being given the referral link.
    Sunshine Rewards

  5. #5
    m 'n c's Avatar
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    Also note that there are tons of Disney message boards and yahoo groups so if you aren't having luck on the DIS you should try there. If you need help drumming up interest/support I know Kimberly, Kim, and I are usually up for that if you want to work in a group
    Sunshine Rewards

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by m 'n c View Post
    Also note that there are tons of Disney message boards and yahoo groups so if you aren't having luck on the DIS you should try there. If you need help drumming up interest/support I know Kimberly, Kim, and I are usually up for that if you want to work in a group
    A terrific idea. There are SOOOO many Disney related message boards that have never even heard of SR.

    Quote Originally Posted by jnorth1007 View Post
    I think that some of the ones from there are coming from people PMing the people who posted about SR and asking for info and then being given the referral link.
    Ahhh...yes. Definitely something to be careful of. The MODs get really upset over there (justifiably) if they find out that people are aggressively sending PMs to people who did not ask for them. Can you imagine posting innocently "what is SR" and having 40 people PM you with their referral links? ACK!
    Sunshine Rewards Owner

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    jnorth1007's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SunshineGirl View Post
    A terrific idea. There are SOOOO many Disney related message boards that have never even heard of SR.

    Ahhh...yes. Definitely something to be careful of. The MODs get really upset over there (justifiably) if they find out that people are aggressively sending PMs to people who did not ask for them. Can you imagine posting innocently "what is SR" and having 40 people PM you with their referral links? ACK!
    OOps I guess I didn't make that very clear. What I meant was that the member posts about how great SR is and then the person who wants to be a member PMs the member to ask about SR and the member offers a referral link then. I would freak if anyone ever PM'd me unsolicited to give me a referral link to something lol. I meant it was happening the other way. The inquisitor was PMing the person to get info and a referral.
    Sunshine Rewards

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    Quote Originally Posted by jnorth1007 View Post
    OOps I guess I didn't make that very clear. What I meant was that the member posts about how great SR is and then the person who wants to be a member PMs the member to ask about SR and the member offers a referral link then. I would freak if anyone ever PM'd me unsolicited to give me a referral link to something lol. I meant it was happening the other way. The inquisitor was PMing the person to get info and a referral.
    Oh, yes. I would imagine that happens quite a bit. That seems to be a fair way to do it.
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    Quote Originally Posted by SunshineGirl View Post
    I think a lot of people found out about us on the DISboards from general chatter about us with our straight link--not any kind of referral link.

    My best suggestion (because I don't want us spamming the DIS and having them get mad at us) is just to talk about SR when you see an opportunity that fits. Maybe a post on the budget board about something that you bought through us. Or mentioning in your TR how many gift cards you used on your trip from us. If you talk about us naturally in your regular posts, people will PM you for more information. And if they ask for more information and your link, you are allowed to give it to them like that.

    It's a fine line because I want you all to be able to get credit for referring people who you get interested. But I also don't want it to look like we are trying to overrun the DIS with referral links.

    I was doing just that the other week and I got a warning. No points, but a warning.

    And in researching afterwards (it was absolutely unjustified but I'm not sure they have the ability to take warnings away) they have almost no guidelines. The guidelines I can find say that you can't say "PM me for a referral". And of course you can't put your link there.

    The week I got warned in the one saving money board was slammed with mentions of rewards sites.

    But I mentioned it in the d'land area, when people were talking about giftcards. As I am wont to do, I gave too much info while talking about why I had so many giftcards, and I mentioned SR. I gave NO link whatsoever. I blathered on, then b/c it wasn't my thread, I told the person who had asked to PM me if they felt like talking more b/c I didn't want to take over the thread (no mention or thought of a referral), and I told her my username here.

    Those last two were seen as suspicious, and I got warned as though I had said "PM me for a referral".

    So you have to be careful.

    I won't even talk about it in my trip report or anywhere anymore. Sorry Sunshine. That one made two absolutely unjustified warnings (no points, but still, warnings) where no one cared to hear me or do anything upon hearing me, and I just won't risk it. The mod that warned me on this issue (the other issue was totally unrelated but even less justified) thought that you couldn't even *mention* rewards sites on the Dis at all!!!!!

    Be careful.
    Sunshine Rewards

  10. #10
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    I"m a Moderator over on the DIS boards and I posted once on the "Budget Board" to give me a PM if they wanted to know more about Sunshine. A person started a thread and asked how to make extra money for Disney. It wasn't like I even started the thread. The nice moderator on the Budget Board, PM'd me and told me it was a no-no. They are pretty lenient, but just don't post a link-though I have seen it, or start a thread and say "if you want more info, give me a PM".

    Tricia-You used to post a lot over on the DIS, heck I remember even remember freaking out about something and posting it on the DIS before you started your own forum - and you responded - I still see you over there occasionally.


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