There are several of us DLR AP holders here, I know.

Anyway, I've been to DLR a hundred times it seems. But we always have our kids with us (ages 1 thru 6) so we tend to do CS meals.

I'm doing a girls trip in about 6 weeks with just my 2 oldest girls (4.5 & 6) and my girlfriend. We'll be there on her birthday. Anyway, I want to take her to a nice restaurant (ie- not CS). But I'm not sure which one to chose. She's making it harder b/c she's so dang picky; she can't eat mushrooms (allergic), won't eat any japanese/chinese (I would have loved to try Yamabuki's!), doesn't like creole (so no BB). She doesn't drink wine so I've pretty much ruled out The Vineyard Room. Not sure I'd want to go there with my girls anyway.

I don't care if it's in the parks, the hotels or DTD. I just need to pick somewhere that's good and make a reservation soon since her birthday is on a Fri. and likely will be busy.

So if any of my fellow DLR goers could help, I'd appreciate it.

Michael, I know you eat there with your partner often- where would you take him for his birthday if you were at the parks?