I'm posting the rules again, although I doubt that most of you will read them. Grab yourselves another drink. You've got about 15 minutes. This round will be an easier movie, so it will probably move even faster!!

Tonight you are playing for $25 Amazon.com Gift Certificates. One winner per game.

When I give the green light for the start of the game, you can begin asking one yes or no question at a time. I will do my best to answer but might just have to say "I'm not sure" depending on the question. If you ask a question, you get to take a guess at what the movie is after I give you the yes/no answer.

To keep things fair, don't ask so many questions that no one else gets to play. Make sure that at least three questions have been asked and answered since your last turn before you ask again.

The first person to correctly guess the movie that I have chosen can claim their Amazon Gift Certificate from Cindy.

Small print: Decision of the judges (Cindy and I) are final. Answers must be exact but spelling doesn't matter. If Tricia or Cindy get an answer wrong, it's not their fault. They try hard but aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.

Questions and clarifications before we get things going?