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Thread: Thoughts on Sunshine Scratch Off?

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    It would sadden me to see the scratch off only given to "active participants". I have been here quite a while myself and still consider myself an active member.
    But I am afraid I would fall in the guidelines of a non participating member. I also do the scratch off every morning that I can. I don't think I should be punished for that. Is that not what it is there for? I get any click I can also. When I do the scratch off, I certainly do not think of myself as greedy or selfish and taking away from someone else. I have days myself when I don't get to get on in the morning, but just consider it my tough luck.
    I have been a super member and a member for sometime. Due to going back to work for the first time in years and 2 kids in school with one in Junior High, I simply do not have the time on my hands to sit on the forums day and night like I used to. Work, homework, baths, cleaning and cooking dinner every night takes most of my time, but I still get my SR fix.
    Although I do check SR almost everyday, it is my thing in the morning, grab a cup of coffee and check out SR before I jump in the shower to start my day. I do not post often anymore, time just does not allow. I gave up on surveys. I do offers when I can and get frustrated when they don't credit, but I also understand that is part of it. So it is nice to check daily and If I am lucky enough to correctly get the scratch off to see something credit.
    Since I am no longer an "active" forum participant, I miss out a lot of contest and other stuff that is geared towards the forum already.
    I also love to play games, have not played as much as I used to and yes some days, If I have nothing to add to the forums, I will post in one of the games thread. I don't like feeling like I am a bother to the forums or to SR.
    I have read other boards when the forums started, how people stated they felt all promotions and contests were already geared to the forums and how they did not like that as they did not want to participate in any more forums. I would hate to see you take more away from non forum participants.
    Just my opinion and not meant to offend anyone.
    There went the 10 minutes I had, off to cook dinner.
    Last edited by disneynut; 01-19-2009 at 07:58 PM. Reason: spelling


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