So tonight at 8:00 DH announces as soon as dinner is being put on the table he is going to run to walmart to buy a new video game. He is a police officer and this is one of his weeks working nights, but he is off tonight and didn't want to be bored when everyone was sleeping.

So instead of just smiling and nodding, I offer to go to Best Buy to pick it up for him, so that I could do buy online pick up in the store and get my 2% back.

So I have just put dinner on the table and I am in my pajamas. I hurry and go change leave my dinner on the table and race to Best Buy before they close.

45 mins later I am back home with his game. I know normal people would think I was crazy, which I probably am. It was only 1.40 cash back, but I'm sure you guys would understand. I just couldn't stand for DH to go spend 70 dollars on a video game and me not get any sunshine money for it!

Well I guess I will go eat my cold dinner before I do my daily survey.