Anyone used them? And what were your thoughts? I'm on the fence of using them. We'll have a refrigerator and toaster thanks to a swap I'm participating in. I have thought of two different approaches. I can either

1. - use garden grocer for some snacks/drinks.
  • I LOVE my cherry coke first thing in the morning..yes, some drink coffee, but I drink cherry coke. I can survive with the soda at Disney, but I'd REALLY prefer cherry coke. Last year I packed them in our suitcases, but now that we are limited to one each, I'm not so sure about doing that as we can't spread out the weight.
  • I can get milk and cold juices which I really like Cameron to drink. Plus with milk we can do cereal in the morning too which would help with time and money (avoiding the food court for breakfast)
  • I can get bread for toast and fruit also for breakfast

2. Take an extra duffel bag and check it in Houston. We can have 2 bags going so would be no charge, and we can fold the duffel bag up and just shove it in a suit case coming back where we are only allowed one.
  • I can purchase our cereal, snacks before we leave this way which I'm sure would be cheaper than garden grocer, but wouldn't have milk, juice, bread or cherry coke

I get free shipping with staples so I'll order a case or two of water for delivery through them (already looked and they are cheaper than garden grocer anyways)

Anyways...long story short.....opinions on garden grocer?