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Thread: Spectrum Router Issues

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    completed a very long (25 min+) Spectrum today and ended up with:
    Your survey has already been submitted. Thank you.
    no credit

    yesterday completed one and got kicked back to do another one.

    2 days in a row. completed surveys. did not used to happen with them.
    mostly getting sent into Dynata/Peanut lab over and over.......
    Last edited by SCard; 12-05-2022 at 10:49 AM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by SCard View Post
    completed a very long (25 min+) Spectrum today and ended up with:
    Your survey has already been submitted. Thank you.
    no credit

    yesterday completed one and got kicked back to do another one.

    2 days in a row. completed surveys. did not used to happen with them.
    mostly getting sent into Dynata/Peanut lab over and over.......
    Did you eventually get credit for these or did you try them again?
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  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by SunshineGirl View Post
    Did you eventually get credit for these or did you try them again?
    both days, tried again, got one and it credited.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    have not been able to even get into a Spectrum for more than 2 weeks now, had been getting it most days. Click and get:

    Sorry, you have not qualified

    Status: 20

    exact same thing happened this time last year; unable to even try for one for close to a month, then all of a sudden it worked again. It is green most days, so some members are getting in.

    Spectrum does not show up very often from other SR surveys, but when it does I close the tab as quick as I can. I only use one Win10 computer, one e-mail address..... No reason I should be excluded

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Just like last year, after 3-4 weeks of nothing but
    Sorry, you have not qualified
    Status: 20

    Today I got into one, and after a few attempts completed one.

    Kind of irritating that for all that time I was not able to even answer any demo questions and try to qualify for any, but it was green most days over this time frame.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Johnstown Pa


    Quote Originally Posted by SCard View Post
    Just like last year, after 3-4 weeks of nothing but
    Sorry, you have not qualified
    Status: 20

    Today I got into one, and after a few attempts completed one.

    Kind of irritating that for all that time I was not able to even answer any demo questions and try to qualify for any, but it was green most days over this time frame.
    It ususally does the same thing to me, I just keep trying and the next time I uusally get one, but that is what is happening to me since December I think. It is not that I wait I just keep going back to it, and then it works, however I do agree it had been really hard to get this one

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Johnstown Pa


    I am getting the same message on Spectrum now, same as Scard, what I notice that it is not even getting a Specturm cookie, when you try it,not sure about that, not even opening it up I think. When you got that Scard did it go away after a while and let you into the site?

  8. #18
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    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by jtowner View Post
    I am getting the same message on Spectrum now, same as Scard, what I notice that it is not even getting a Specturm cookie, when you try it,not sure about that, not even opening it up I think. When you got that Scard did it go away after a while and let you into the site?
    eventually I am/was able to get them again but it was 2-3 weeks when could not even get into to answer a single demo question.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    So many of these survey companies are now instituting REALLY tight security measures. In fact, so tight that I am thinking of pulling a couple of them because it seems like no one is qualifying for them at all. Dynata seems to be performing best, followed by Opinion Network (for those who aren't blocked from it). Your Surveys seems to go a few days great then a few days off. RevenueWall is working really well for a half dozen people, but I haven't been able to get them to respond to any emails in about 6 months about paying me, so I am a little afraid of pushing them very much. It feels like a yucky survey time, but I am still looking for new ones every week!
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  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Johnstown Pa


    [I] have had Specturm issues since end of last month, its not even makeing a cookie now, just like we said you do not qualify. I was able to finally get back into Dna 2 days then back to blue screen then when I tried today using Chrome it seems to work better with them I keep geting this message now, but still all the questions to the last one about travel, not blocked but not sure what it is.

    No surveys are available.
    We could not find a survey match at this time.

    Please try again later.


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