Quote Originally Posted by SCard View Post
don't know where the post was about perhaps being excluded from YS for doing "too many" surveys. Since last Friday, I am lucky to get 2 surveys per day. seems a bit much to not be able to do YS when that is all I can get.
my SR earnings have plummeted.

First Quarter is always slow but in past years we had Dynata to take most days and now that is gone. Any word on that?
They are still not saying when Dynata will come back for the US. They are running it in other countries though.

There is just NO rhyme or reason to some of the survey site bans. I am apparently banned from CPX for completing a TOTAL of 5 surveys since they launched with us. They were all small surveys that I took slowly and gave completely accurate information. But I have had the "no surveys available" from them for a week now. I even looked in my account and there is no indication in any of my completed surveys of quality issues or rejections. Is it because I used my phone to complete a few and my computer to complete a few? Who knows. I have an email into them but my contact is out until Monday. But it goes to show that they are using some kind of AI or algorithms to decide who gets surveys and who doesn't. And it is definitely not just because people are cheating!