I too am a big believer in Taebo. I lost 75#'s with that and WW's.

Belive me being 75#'s overweight and first trying the moves was quite embaressing! I felt like a beach whale in the beginning. it did get easier after a few weeks.

I will say that his new tapes are defintely harder to do then the older ones I started with. I think it was 2001 or 2002 when his first 4 tapes came out and they IMHO were the best. Now I do have some of the latest ones and their good, but not ones I would recommend for a beginner.

We're lucky one gal that teachers at the YMCA is Taebo certified. She goes once a year to get re-certified. She teaches twice a week in the evening now. I wish I could get to her class bc she makes it a lot of fun!