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Thread: User Infractions

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by linanglab View Post
    Thanks for the reminder. I hope that my DH's thread isn't too bad. I did worry about that earlier, and then I saw this thread. It was really all in fun, and kept getting sillier. Please someone pm me if they are offended or something.
    Truthfully I think those who would be offended may not even get it. I think we can be silly like that and just remember not to take it too far. I wouldn't worry to much Angela
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  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by jnorth1007 View Post
    It is TOTALLY fine Angela. We aren't wanting to curb any of the fun or police anything that has to do with real life. The only area we HAVE to police is the things that affect advertisers. This includes discussing cancellations, private phones, prepaid credit cards, fraudulent information, non SR merchants, SR competitors, and survey products. These are the major areas of concern since they can cause us trouble with the advertisers. I think your thread is the most hilarious ever LOL
    Well...that makes me feel have to give Lisa credit for the funniness! For going through everything she is going through, she sure has some humor!
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  3. #43
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    editing what I posted .
    Last edited by mom2dea; 01-11-2008 at 04:02 PM.
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  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by mom2dea View Post
    I hope this had nothing to do with my post last night . I think I need to start keeping my mouth shut ....
    It had nothing to do with that post. It was something that has been in ongoing discussions for a few months if that makes you feel better. It started with the board spammers and kinda evolved.
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  5. #45
    m4travels is offline Deep breaths, everyone. Stay calm. Back away from the computer.
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    Just a quick thanks to Tricia and the mods for taking care of the board! Time to start testing words for Tricia. I've got a BIG list! Let me know when you'd like me to start!
    Oh, the tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.
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  6. #46
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    Michael, you are just an infraction waiting to happen. LOL!!!

    Yeah...I was supposed to get this whole thing done months ago and just got bogged down. But we got spammed again a couple of mornings ago and decided enough was enough. Usually most of you do not even see those because one of the MODS deletes them pretty fast. But it is one thing to delete the post and something different to be able to get in there and ban them from the board. With the infraction system, the MODS can do that now, too.
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  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by m4travels View Post
    Just a quick thanks to Tricia and the mods for taking care of the board! Time to start testing words for Tricia. I've got a BIG list! Let me know when you'd like me to start!
    I can help w/this too! I have a big ol' potty mouth!!

    Quote Originally Posted by SunshineGirl View Post
    Yeah...I was supposed to get this whole thing done months ago and just got bogged down. But we got spammed again a couple of mornings ago and decided enough was enough. Usually most of you do not even see those because one of the MODS deletes them pretty fast. But it is one thing to delete the post and something different to be able to get in there and ban them from the board. With the infraction system, the MODS can do that now, too.
    Tricia-You guys rock! You're right! I've never seen anything, so thank you for protecting our forum!!
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  8. #48
    m4travels is offline Deep breaths, everyone. Stay calm. Back away from the computer.
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    Quote Originally Posted by SunshineGirl View Post
    Michael, you are just an infraction waiting to happen. LOL!!!
    Sister, ain't that the truth!
    Oh, the tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.
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  9. #49
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    Default A favor please?

    Can I make a suggestion? Could SR update the T&C to include these notes? They haven't been updated since 2006 and there have been a lot of tweaks to what is allowed. I apologize for having a note pulled because I made a reference to a referral. I had read the T&C and they only addressed "spamming," which I didn't do so I was really confused as to why my post was pulled and then I found this thread. It can be confusing if rules are in two places. Or, at least, amend the T&C to direct people to this thread so it's easy to know what all the rules are. Again, I apologize if I posted something inappropriate but when I posted, I didn't think it was not in line with the terms. My bad.

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  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by fourfoxesinpa View Post
    Can I make a suggestion? Could SR update the T&C to include these notes? They haven't been updated since 2006 and there have been a lot of tweaks to what is allowed. I apologize for having a note pulled because I made a reference to a referral. I had read the T&C and they only addressed "spamming," which I didn't do so I was really confused as to why my post was pulled and then I found this thread. It can be confusing if rules are in two places. Or, at least, amend the T&C to direct people to this thread so it's easy to know what all the rules are. Again, I apologize if I posted something inappropriate but when I posted, I didn't think it was not in line with the terms. My bad.

    Heres the very first line of the General Rules:

    General Rules:
    1) Do not spam the board. This includes posting advertisements, links to other sites where you are promoting other rewards programs, and posting the same message in multiple places.

    Just because they aren't blantant about rewards, they could possibly be promoting some of the same places that we do, they have to make their money some how in order for you to play games for free, they just hide it.
    If you think you know all the answers, it just means you haven't been asked all the questions.


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