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Thread: Credit card fraud

  1. #1
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    Default Credit card fraud

    Just received a scary call from Chase's fraud department. There were several charges this morning (adding up to thousands -- good thing I have a low limit and none went through) attempted from various internet sites on my card.

    This is my disney visa I use for everything. I haven't done any offers real recently, but did do a shoebuy order. So I don't know how my card was compromised but they are sending me a new one. I have never been too worried about getting my card # stolen, but now the reality is that I'll have to explore other avenues of paying for offers. Will still use my card for shopping because I don't believe that's where the problem occurred.

    Anyway -- beware and check your activity.

  2. #2
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    The sad thing is that sometimes it is the stuff that seems LEAST likely to be the culprit that it ends up being. I've heard so many stories about people having their credit card number stolen by a waitress or a store clerk. You expect there to be some kind of safety in place, you know?

    Sometimes you can tell by what kind of charges that were made where they got the number. If it was stuff like Blockbuster, Columbia House, etc., I would worry about an offer. If it was something like shopping purchases or travel, I would worry about an actual person.

    Something else is to make sure that you don't have any spyware that might be sending your keystrokes to someone. Just typing in your number online COULD send it to someone else if you don't protect your computer.

    We had our debit card number taken one time. A number I never used for any offers and we rarely even used it for online shopping. To this day, we have NO clue how they got it.
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  3. #3
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    Thank goodness Chase was on the ball.

    Glad they caught it before it got ugly!
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  4. #4
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    I am very thankful for these credit card companies who call you and let you know when something is up. 2 years ago when we went to disney. On the way home we we stopped in north carolina to fill up the car (we live in ohio). my credit card was refused!!! Luckily I had a different card with a different bank on me. that one went thru fine. when I got home I had a message on my answering machine and an email stating that my creditcard had been attempted to be used out of state. I told them DUUHHH it was me. I was on vacation. they did give me a statment credit for the inconvience because they put a freeze on my card until I got it cleared up.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by lorisnuts View Post
    I am very thankful for these credit card companies who call you and let you know when something is up. 2 years ago when we went to disney. On the way home we we stopped in north carolina to fill up the car (we live in ohio). my credit card was refused!!! Luckily I had a different card with a different bank on me. that one went thru fine. when I got home I had a message on my answering machine and an email stating that my creditcard had been attempted to be used out of state. I told them DUUHHH it was me. I was on vacation. they did give me a statment credit for the inconvience because they put a freeze on my card until I got it cleared up.

    Same thing happend to us in 2005 we did a road trip to disney world CC worked the entire trip no problems, Room charges, gas, food, then half way home getting gas and it was declined. we also had another card, always travel in pairs, lol. and then called the cc company on the road, and the fixed the block. My though was i am glad this was me using the card, because, before the stoped the charges, we had racked up alot of charges! I mean a lot!

    The good news is that chase caught this for you.. BTW do you belong to disney movie club and use your disney visa, because disney movie club did have an issue with card security a few months ago! Well you have got me thinking so i am going online just to double check my accounts this morning as well!
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by bs4free View Post
    Same thing happend to us in 2005 we did a road trip to disney world CC worked the entire trip no problems, Room charges, gas, food, then half way home getting gas and it was declined. we also had another card, always travel in pairs, lol. and then called the cc company on the road, and the fixed the block. My though was i am glad this was me using the card, because, before the stoped the charges, we had racked up alot of charges! I mean a lot!

    The good news is that chase caught this for you.. BTW do you belong to disney movie club and use your disney visa, because disney movie club did have an issue with card security a few months ago! Well you have got me thinking so i am going online just to double check my accounts this morning as well!

    Yes, I did do disney movie club, but that was a few months ago. I run Norton constantly and it has spyware protection. Good reminder, though, to run an update.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by SunshineGirl View Post
    The sad thing is that sometimes it is the stuff that seems LEAST likely to be the culprit that it ends up being. I've heard so many stories about people having their credit card number stolen by a waitress or a store clerk. You expect there to be some kind of safety in place, you know?

    Sometimes you can tell by what kind of charges that were made where they got the number. If it was stuff like Blockbuster, Columbia House, etc., I would worry about an offer. If it was something like shopping purchases or travel, I would worry about an actual person.

    Something else is to make sure that you don't have any spyware that might be sending your keystrokes to someone. Just typing in your number online COULD send it to someone else if you don't protect your computer.

    We had our debit card number taken one time. A number I never used for any offers and we rarely even used it for online shopping. To this day, we have NO clue how they got it.
    I've had both Sears and Penney's stolen by store clerks. I am so thankful, now, for the scanners you run cards through yourself most of the time.

  8. #8
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    When I was first at amazon, and learning all about their incredible security for credit cards, their fraud people shared with us that the majority of cc theft occurs at restaurants and stores. If it's not the server taking your card off to the back and doing sneaky things with it, it's the patron nearby who perhaps knows that that restaurant puts the entire CC number on the charge slip.

    Always cross out those numbers, if you visit old-tech restaurants, or seek out your server and give that signed slip directly to them, so no sneaky patrons can take a peek at your number, by the way.

    I thought the disney movie club thing was something that happened MORE than months ago (they sent out the letter a couple months ago, but it was from something further in the past), and it was them covering their rears, because they had actually caught the person selling the info to undercover people, and were only *thinking* that it *might* have successfully been sold in the past.

    I joined DMC too late to be part of that, but in reading about it, that's what I gleaned (could be unemotional about it while reading b/c I had joined after the attempted sale).

    SORRY that that happened to you, 3dog2kidmom!!!!!
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by mollyeilis
    Always cross out those numbers, if you visit old-tech restaurants, or seek out your server and give that signed slip directly to them, so no sneaky patrons can take a peek at your number, by the way.
    Even if you cross it out on the slip.............the restaurant still has access. We own a restaurant and at the end of the night (once a day) we have to do a batch order for the credit cards we accepted that day

    When we run your CC through our terminals, the CC company places a hold on your CC for the amount of the check plus some 20% for gratuity (they assume you are going to leave this much). When we run the batch order at the end of the night, the actual amount you charged gets transmitted to your CC holder. When you run a batch order a large list (like a receipt) prints from the terminal. That list has every CC number run through the terminal, and expiration date and most of the time the name of the cardholder.

    We have to keep this batch order receipt for our records with our daily receipts. If there is any problem down the road with a CC (chargeback) we have this to refer to. Our are kept under lock and key.

    I'm sure it's the same way with department stores. The stores themselves have to have some record of the cards they processed.

    In the past our credit card terminals generated slips with the entire CC number. All we had to do was call our CC service company and have them upgrade the machines so that only the last 4 digits of the CC number print on the slips.

    The strange thing is they NEVER told us this could be done. We read about it in one of the many trade magazines we get. You would think they would want everyone to have the latest equipment.

    On another note.......I was at an ATM today in the market today. The man in front of me walked away from the ATM after having gotten his cash and never closed out his transaction. His card was still in the machine. Thank goodness he was within earshot and because I called to him, other people got his attention and he came back. Instead of thanking me........he grabbed his card out of the machine and was ranting and raving at the machine and how stupid it was!! Moron!!!
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  10. #10
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    Whenever I go on a trip, I call my credit card companies to let them know where I'll be so my charges won't be denied. This is especially important if you go out of the country. You'd hate to be stranded in a foreign country without being able to use your credit cards as that is always my main way of obtaining that country's currency.

    Also, I check my credit card statements on line several times a week to make sure there are no charges on them that I haven't made. This isn't full-proof, but it does make me feel like I'm keeping track of them.
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